" I can't unsee it"

" I can't unsee it"

We hear this from realtors across the nation. Circle makes too much sense to ignore, and it can and will change your business if you let it.

We hear this from realtors across the nation. Circle makes too much sense to ignore, and it can and will change your business if you let it.

Over 472+ Realtors nationwide rely on CIRCLE

Through Division Alignment Sequence realtors are rapidly expanding their business nationwide. These are just some of the companies benefiting

Through Division Alignment Sequence realtors are leveraging their power to have others help grow business.

ABOUT Circle

Think Bigger. Rethink your service providers and that could change your whole business.


Scope Our Services


We provide coaching on executing the plan and strategic partnerships to maximize your growth path quickly.


We consult with you and other firms to ensure the alignment makes sense and benefits both parties.


We advise on marketing strategies to maximize the money spent and teams working the leads.

Online Course

We provide a self-paced version you can walk through on your own time. This gives you a deep understanding, which will help you grow faster.


Once certified, you will have fast-lane access to relationships over others.


Join our community, where the power really takes hold. It's a group of professionals vetted to use their teams to grow your business.


Popular Lessons

Secret of Division Alignment

Sequencing your business

3 Lessons

422 Reviews

1 Hour

Internet Marketing and Teams

Scaling without extra effort

3 Lessons

371 Reviews

2 Hours

Inside the Mortgage Industry

Paradigm Shift

3 Lessons

126 Reviews

2 Hours

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Catch?

There is no catch. If your current relationships are not willing to do this, which most aren't, and we can teach you why, then you might want to align with different partners. That is not a catch but just a fact of business.

What is the cost?

To you, the realtor? Nothing, and nothing hidden. We don't take any of your realtor checks. How do we make money? Easy. From a % of Mortgage, Title, Credit Repair Etc. They would only have the business with you. So it is only fair that they spend their money and time to get you business because you are doing it for them. The Landscape is changing. The time for them to stand up and help is now.

Why have others not done this?

Through our vision and big thinking, it works the way it does. So, long answer short: No one has taken the time to make sure others win at a cost to themselves. I believe everyone is mostly self-centered in our industry, meaning they keep marketing and things that work to their chest. To be honest, this Division Alignment Sequence is hard to pull off. To do it, it must be at scale.

Is this legal?

100%. No money is exchanged. Work for Work is legal. You have been doing this for others for years. Ex: You spend all your time and money getting new clients. As a result, you send these clients you get to these vendors to make a lot of money. They need to take their time and money like you and do the same for you.

How can you guarantee I grow my business?

Simple. First, you have to follow our lead, but do you agree if you spend enough money on leads, with a big enough, good enough team to work the leads constantly correctly for an extended period, you could close leads at a ratio of 0.8% or better? So, 1% closing ratio. It's not rocket science. Where do you get the money to buy the leads, and do you have the workforce to work them at scale? You can't do it yourself at scale, so we help you align with others who can use a crowd-fund approach and build big teams todo it for you at no cost.

Can I use my current preferred vendors for this?

The short answer is yes. But they have to be willing to put in the Work. You need more than them just giving up some of the money you are making them. It's Work for Work. This means they must put in the time to do the work to get you business. Most will not. Others will say they want to but are not a company that is willing. So yes, the vendors can, but it isn't easy. If they would like and want to, but the company will not let them, we have connections to have them move over to someone willing, which will, in turn, grow your business and theirs along the way.


Honestly, I did not believe it. I've never heard of this and was like, yeah, great concept, but let's see this work. It did not cost me a dime, and these guys are for real. I had a referred buyer that closed in less than 60 days. These are not leads; they are the real deal. - Carol W. - 32 Mil Producer

I can't believe others have not done this. It's so simple yet complicated at the same time. It makes so much sense. There was no risk on my end and no money. Now, I have an entire sales floor out, getting me a business I don't have to manage.- Ethan S.- 14 Mil Producer

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